🆚What is the difference between Stavo pensando a te . and Pensavo a te  . ? Stavo pensando a te . vs Pensavo a te . ?

🆚What is the difference between Stavo pensando a te . and Pensavo a te . ? Stavo pensando a te . vs Pensavo a te . ?

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Synonym for Stavo pensando a te . è uguale |They have the same mean. |The first is like i was thinking of You. The second one is i though You. But The meaning is fast The same in italian language
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Meaning of Stavo pensando a te by Fabri Fibra

Dimmi perché Con gli amici parlo sempre di te Forse quello che bevevo

Pues ya puedes denunciarme pq te pienso mucho Estoy pensando en ti.

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